The material basic cells that enter composition and construction of all natural and material substances and objects never will be envisioned by man even through his crudely constructed instruments of “precision.” E.G., consider the perfectly constructed flea ! So-called contagion is only applicable to those already predisposed to that particular ailment.

The Editorial Staff is not entirely in agreement with the authors views, but among homoeopathic physicians several different viewpoint may obtain.-Ed.

It is not that I admire Hahnemann less that I call attention to his errors, but because I love homoeopathy more. I have these confessions to make : I cannot read, and I have yet to meet the one who can. I have never, therefore, read the Organon through, and I doubt very sincerely that anyone ever has, from Hahnemann down, not excluding Hahnemann, or they could not have passed over and condoned the many errors therein, so vital to, and the cause of, homoeopathy. From a literary angle, and even from a medical standpoint, Hahnemann was a genius and a mental giant in his day, when practically little was known of either nature or disease.

It took me several years to read Hahnemanns first paragraph in his Organon, in which he expressed an irrefutable truth, before its full import dawned upon me, but in a footnote to that paragraph he makes a true assertion that he, himself, ignores through-out his Organon. I think, for the good of homoeopathy, his errors should be brought to light, corrected and published; that the Recorder owes to the homoeopathic professions.

Section II (footnote) reveal this :.

Just as a child with small-pox or measles communicates to a near, untouched healthy child in an invisible manner (dynamically) the small-pox or measles, that is, infects it at a distance without any material from the infective child going or capable of going to the one to be infected.

In the first place, it is impossible to infect a healthy person with any disease, without first breaking down his normal body defences. Were Hahnemanns deductions tenable we would be constantly in one grand continuous turmoil of epidemics. Are we ? If not, why not ? I have tested out Hahnemanns theory with all kinds of epidemic diseases and found his theory untenable. His statement that “nothing material passes from the infected child to the healthy exposed child” is without foundation in fact. Material invisibility is no sign of material absence.

The material basic cells that enter composition and construction of all natural and material substances and objects never will be envisioned by man even through his crudely constructed instruments of “precision.” E.G., consider the perfectly constructed flea ! So-called contagion is only applicable to those already predisposed to that particular ailment.

My little granddaughter played with, and kissed several times, a little boy playmate the night before he came down with chicken-pox, yet she did not develop chicken-pox. I have had children eat, sleep and play with scarlet fever patients in order that they have the trouble and get it over with, but they did not develop scarlet fever. I have had fully developed cases of small-pox mingle freely with patients, men, women and children, yet none developed small-pox thereby.

Hahnemann further states in his footnote, page 102 in his Organon :.

How vital force produces disease, it would be of no practical utility to the physician to know, and will forever remain concealed to him.

That is a grave error. If the physician knew, he would have no possible excuse for his ignorant use of drugs he now displays. On the contrary, it is positively known just how disease is produced, and why ! Read my Modern Morbidopsis, a copy I will send to you for the asking.

Sections 17 and 104 deal with the “Symptom Totality”. Here Hahnemann fails to enlighten us on just what he means, or just what that “symptom totality” embraces, if he knew. Is it the disease symptom totality. each provers symptom totality, or rather is it not the positive totality produced directly by the proving drug ? If of the disease, then but a single drug is necessary for each disease; if of the patient there would be no case in which the indications would be stable and the indications would become confused; then we have but one choice, and that choice is the basic drug picture, which is positive and fixed, for in that we have a never changing, positive guide, perfectly scientific, to the indications of the accurate remedy for the patient.

In other words, the “symptom totality” is that positive group produced directly by the proving drug on each and every prover, and does not necessarily include that never ending negative group thrown out by the provers individual reaction to the symptoms produced directly by the proving drug, which negative symptoms are apt to differ with each individual prover.

Section 56, footnote, page 139, informs us that :.

Universal vaccination put an end to all epidemics of that deadly small-pox to such an extend that the present generation does no longer possess a clear conception of the former frightfulness of the small-pox plague.

I wonder if Hahnemann would have changed his mind could he have witnessed the small-pox epidemic in the Philippines during 1918- 1920, after 24,000,000 vaccinations, the most malignant and fatal epidemic in history, that produced 210,000 cases of active small-pox and took 100,000 lives, and raised the normal death rate from 20 to 47 per cent in Manila ? I defy anyone to prove that small-pox can be prevented by any blanket method of “prevention.” The Philippine epidemic proved beyond question of doubt to all, except those financially interested, the inability of vaccination to prevent epidemics; on the contrary, it proved conclusively that vaccination not only keeps small-pox alive, but that it produces epidemics, and renders the disease more malignant and fatal.

Section 118 states :.

Every medicine exhibits a peculiar action on the human frame, which is not produced in exactly the same manner by any other medicinal substance of a different kind.

Briefly, here is something Hahnemann apparently did no know : The human body is nothing more than an animated cable operated by a central organization, with lines of communication extending to every part of the body, each line having its own special office to perform, its component cells have a different cell content, each class of cells throwing out, when disturbed, its own individual pathological group of symptoms and forming its own pathological end product, and the remedy that cures must be composed of the identical same class of cells, if a radical cure is to take place.

The homoeopathic slogan is not, “Likes are, or may be, cured by likes”, but “Likes must be replaced by likes.” Drugs do not cure disease, as erroneously supposed, no more than electric plug furnishes the power to produce light when pushed into a socket, both the drug and the plug act in the same manner. that is, to complete the circuit by connecting the broken ends, or connection.

Section 289 reveals :.

The homoeopathic system of medicine develops for a special use, to a hitherto unheard of degree, the inner medicinal powers of the crude substance by means of a process peculiar to it, whereby only they become immeasurably and penetratingly efficacious and remedial, even those that give no evidence of the slightest medicinal power on the human body.

Here Hahnemann alludes to attenuation. While Hahnemann devised this ingenious process, he evidently did not understand the reason for it. His statement is all the more remarkable when one fully realizes the basic cells composing the drug are permanently and hermetically sealed, therefore indivisible by any means devised by man. Otherwise the universe would coalesce, magnetism would run wild, all would become chaos and no objects could possibly be formed. The content of those basic cells is polarized magnetism, not electrical energy, their office is attraction and repulsion.

Fluidity and solidity are merely the difference in the attraction power of the magnetism contained in the cells composing the object. We attenuate drugs, not to release power, as is erroneously supposed, but simply to separate the cell mass; to free cells for the assimilative powers to take up and build in and restore broken connections in the lines of communication between the part affected and the central organization of the body. That “spirit-like force” that Hahnemann and his followers attribute to the attenuated drug emanates from the central organization of the body, and it is that that does the curing, not the remedy. The drug is neither diluted nor potentized.

Section 279 reveals that :.

The remedy produces an artificial state in the system stronger than the natural state or disease and thereby overpowering or annihilating the natural disease.

That statement reveal that Hahnemann did not understand the modus operandi of the “law” he had discovered, and is remarkable from these two significant angles : first, the basic cells cannot possibly be opened to release their contents; second, it is impossible for the attenuated remedy to produce a more serious condition in the system in the time some serious conditions are cured. Allow me to present three proofs of this. Briefly, B.C., age 4, had three violent attacks of “mastoiditis”, each followed by an operation, all beginning exactly in the same way. Her fourth attack was cured in exactly five minutes by a single dose of the 30x. of Bell., and has not returned in over twenty-four years.

Alfred Pulford
Alfred Pulford, M.D., M.H.S., F.A.C.T.S. 1863-1948 – American Homeopath and author who carried out provings of new remedies. Author of Key to the Homeopathic Materia Medica, Repertoroy of the Symptoms of Rheumatism, Sciatica etc., Homeopathic Materia Medica of Graphic Drug Pictures.