The Greeks in the siege of Troy, it is claimed, found the ravages of malaria more dangerous and deadly than their Trojan enemies. Hannibals defeat and retreat before the gates of Rome was entirely due to this ubiquitous and enervating disease.


From the most remote times, malaria has altered the course of empires and shaped the destiny of nations; even types of civilization have survived or fallen because of the devastating power of this universal and seemingly unconquered force.

The Greeks in the siege of Troy, it is claimed, found the ravages of malaria more dangerous and deadly than their Trojan enemies. Hannibals defeat and retreat before the gates of Rome was entirely due to this ubiquitous and enervating disease.

And at this time Americas victory or defeat in the Pacific may well depend upon the successful control of this subtle but mighty influence that smites friend and foe alike, for it is and has been from earliest history mans most destructive enemy and the greatest obstacle in his march on the road of progress and civilization.

Scientific medicine admits its weakness and its inability to cure the countless victims of the malarial poison. Quinine, most often relied on, is rarely if ever curative but it is a powerful suppressant, that is, the drug disease masks the malarial disease, and renders it more or less quietus in its manifestations. The usual high fever, chill and sweat may be replaced by anaemia and weakness complicated with chronic forms of spleen and liver disease when large and continuous doses of quinine are given, thus producing a complication and fusing of natural and drug diseases (suppressed malaria).

Every homoeopathic prescriber knows the certain curative power of the indicated remedy.

While any one of our proven polychrests may be indicated in a given case of malaria by the totality of its symptoms, thus indicating a wide range of remedies for study, the fact is that at least ninety percent of malarial cases will find the curative remedy in a list of less than a dozen remedies which are as follows: Arsenicum alb., China off., Caust., Eupatorium perf., Gels., Nat. mur., Nux vom., Rhus tox., Sepia, Tuberc. And from these eleven remedies, three may be taken that will cure about seventy-five percent of all malarial infections.

Ars., China, and Nat. mur. given in proper form and sequence would not only prove curative in the majority of cases but would be effective prophylactics as a general protection against the disease.

And the most effective single remedy (almost specific) for all malarial disease complicated with quinine poisoning, is the remedy Nat. mur.; Caust, is more specific in cases where paralysis of single parts or of the whole body has resulted from the combined effects of malaria and quinine.

To protect one against the ravages of this dread destroyer one should have a dose of Nat. mur. 30 or higher once a week for a month or six weeks before entering the malarial districts. On getting into the infected territory a dose of Arsenicum 30th potency to be taken once a week for a month, but if malarial symptoms appear while on the Arsenicum treatment then a dose of China off. 30th or higher for three days may be given or taken. If malarial symptoms persist, a higher potency of Nat mur. once a week will eradicate the disease from most cases.

This method of applying homoeopathic remedies in malaria is not entirely homoeopathic, but for army routine made up of indifferent prescribers it will bring a hundredfold more success and comfort to the afflicted than the present routine army methods now bring.

We have treated both acute and chronic forms of malaria disease from India and Africa as well as cases from southern Illinois, Missouri and the Mississippi valley with a hundred percent of cures and no failures. And the homoeopathic literature abounds with thousands of verifications in lasting cures.

It is regrettable that a highbound orthodoxy in medicine and fanatical red tape of army medical directors prevent the brave defenders of American liberty from receiving the certain benign effects and cure of the only real scientific medicine ever known, homoeopathy.

Eugene Underhill
Dr Eugene Underhill Jr. (1887-1968) was the son of Eugene and Minnie (Lewis) Underhill Sr. He was a graduate of Swarthmore College and the University of Pennsylvania Medical School. A homeopathic physician for over 50 years, he had offices in Philadelphia.

Eugene passed away at his country home on Spring Hill, Tuscarora Township, Bradford County, PA. He had been in ill health for several months. His wife, the former Caroline Davis, whom he had married in Philadelphia in 1910, had passed away in 1961. They spent most of their marriage lives in Swarthmore, PA.

Dr. Underhill was a member of the United Lodge of Theosophy, a member of the Philadelphia County Medical Society, and the Pennsylvania Medical Society. He was also the editor of the Homœopathic Recorder.