EDITORIAL. The brain in constantly working to keep equilibrium, chemical, thermal and mental, making adjustment for any trend away from normal, during all periods from birth to the time of our show or sudden demise. As long as it can keep on this even keel, we enjoy health, a harmonious state where all organs are working to best advantage.


We all have one, but of how much of its activities are we aware? This great central control, the magnificent regulator of all body functions and its adjustment to all sorts of external conditions, changes within to cope with unusual heat, cold, moisture, dryness, exertion or inactivity. To adjust to effects of fear, grief, anger, anxiety, fright, shock and all mental aberrations. To give more or less blood to the body as a whole or to an affected part. Regulation of the blood stream is quite a story in itself.

Whipping up the heart to meet over exertion, carrying just the amount required through the lungs to pick up the exact volume of oxygen for the need of the moment, furnishing nourishment to all organs in their varying activities. regulating the calibre of blood vessels from the largest down to the capillaries. And a host of other death; no simple task; no rest even for a moment during our earthly sojourn.

Accidents with their physical and mental distortions must be taken care of. Details of the injury are flashed to the brain for its immediate action. Enough fibrinogen must be on had to stop bleeding, forms a clot and furnish a protective scab, new material dispatched cells of bone, cartilage, connective tissue, nerve, endothelial and epidermal, sent from the location where they are produced, each to its place in the reconstructive program. The brain directing all this and much more not apparent to our dull understanding.

Here surgery steps in to do its important, bit, coapting tissues to lessen unaided natures slow filling in of space, greatly reducing scar tissue, time of repair and better function of the part. Asepsis is all important, but we cannot say our antiseptics, after their long trial, are of much value. They often, in fact, actually retard healing. However, calendula, with no, bactericidal claims whatever, properly applied, not only promotes healing but even in infected wounds stops suppuration and especially in scalp wounds, gives almost miraculous results. The only obstacle to its use is that it is old, in use for centuries.

In passing we may mention that our surgical removal of foci of infection does not deserve the confidence it has held. Unbiased evaluation will show these local foci to be a result and that the cause lies deeper.

The brain in constantly working to keep equilibrium, chemical, thermal and mental, making adjustment for any trend away from normal, during all periods from birth to the time of our show or sudden demise. As long as it can keep on this even keel, we enjoy health, a harmonious state where all organs are working to best advantage. However, there are times when doing its best, the machine fails to rise to fully meet the occasion.

There is disharmony past its ability to repair, though it seems never to cease the struggle for mental and physical health. In this situation to start the ball rolling back toward recovery, first any continuing cause of diet or environment must be corrected, as taught and practised by the top authority on healing by drugs, S. Hahnemann. Not easy to extinguish a fire with fuel continually being added. Then and then only, when the track is clear, can dynamic medicine step in to give its stimulative touch.

It is in this area where following the law, matching disease symptoms with drug symptoms, you have all seen the magic working and it is “bringing coals to Newcastle” before this group to enumerate the wide range and completeness of these cures in both acute and chronic disease, where again the brain unhindered may continue its marvelous direction of that wondrous thing, a human body.

Robert Farley