The attractive maiden lady and the bachelor stood side by side; all their latent parenthood alert in their kind faces, watching the big Airedale who took the place of child interest in their lives! The dog paid no attention to them-his tail did not wag a response; he only moved a glassy eye slowly as they spoke and then closed his eyes and lay inert.

The attractive maiden lady and the bachelor stood side by side; all their latent parenthood alert in their kind faces, watching the big Airedale who took the place of child interest in their lives!

The dog paid no attention to them-his tail did not wag a response; he only moved a glassy eye slowly as they spoke and then closed his eyes and lay inert.

I had a few weeks previously kidnapped David and left him at the animal hospital, where he had been for a week, and came home weaker and worse than when I left him there, much to my chagrin. It was after this experience that the O. S. Vet. came and left a large bottle of strong medicine-which had no lasting effect, for the better.

I, as the outsider, watched and listened. They decided David must be put out of his misery, not only was the dog in misery, but he had made four Oriental rugs prey for the cleaner and caused two perfectly good servants to think of selecting a pleasanter house to live in.

The beast was violently ill, every morning; he was bloated, made the air vile with escaping gas, looked pale of face, was feeble of leg, but was constantly trying to scratch-even in his restless sleep; (he cried and whimpered in his sleep and had bad dreams) and had no longer interest in life; his hair had come out in bunches all over and the hairless skin was dry and hard-so were the pads to his paws and his nose hot and dry-his face looked hollow-eyed, drawn and thin.

I said: “Are you going to have the Vet. for him as you did before?” They said: “No, its useless; he will never get well, but we hate to have him put away, he seems like one of the family.” I suggested that I give him a remedy, if they wished. They said: “If you want to, but it will do no good-he is dying.” I gave Carbo veg. 200th. The dog began to feel better inside fifteen minutes. I repeated the dose in three hours-giving Carbo veg. 200th three times a day for a few days-then nothing for three days-then Sulphur 200th, one dose.

No return of vomiting or symptoms of exhaustion for some weeks, then he vomited and I gave Carbo veg. 30th twice.

This all happened three months ago. The dog is now acting like a young dog, has a good appetite (unless he has been playing the garbage hound), runs about outdoors and plays, has his voice back-it was a hoarse, horrible affair when he was ill and very weak-he can now outbark any dog of his size and shape, wags his tail, sits up and begs and goes about the business of life with all his old-time interest and vigor; has a thick coat of hair and no bald spots-now his paw pads normal; nose cool and moist; makes no horrible odors; and for a middle-aged dog is very fit and lively.

I ventured to remark to his human parents that David responded well to the right remedy; they looked surprised and puzzled but said:”Its wonderful how well he is now. I wonder what has happened to him?”

No use trying to educate some people-even with A. B. C. lesson like this-but its a joy to so completely prove a remedy and also to give life where death was so near.

C E Prescott