In the best interests of homeopathy, this very real problem should be tackled, and until this difficulty is overcome, the most carefully worked out prescription may be of no avail unless the source of drug supply is unimpeachable. Alcohol is added as a rule for keeping purposes.

 DEAR MR. BARKER, We hear from every direction of successful homoeopathic prescribing; not nearly enough, perhaps, for the lack of practitioners is appalling, but, sufficient to convince the most sceptical that “there is something in homoeopathy”. but what of the failures? Are they hidden behind a timid veil of uncertainty and half-hearted belief, or simply dismissed as the natural outcome of a mistaken theory ?.

That a good many failures are due to imperfectly understood application of methods, short cut methods, and carelessness in general in prescribing, is inevitable; but, unsatisfactory results are often due, perhaps even in high circles, to a cause which is often ignored, namely the source of drug supply.

In such an exact science as homoeopathy, where the similimum, as if should be interpreted by the scrupulous practitioner, is of paramount importance, the tireless efforts of the prescriber may be nullified unless the medicines are applied unimpaired and with all their original virtues intact, and this cannot be with preparations of dried plants.

In the drying of a plant, it is not unreasonable to expect that its power would be diminished, and this especially applies to any volatile principle which obviously must be lost, for example, the organic iodine of Calendula upon which its healing power so largely depends. A side by side examination of a fresh and dried plant tincture would convince even a layman, by smell alone, of the difference between the two.

The question of cost and the difficulty of obtaining many species of fresh plants, will no doubt account for much of the use of dried plants; but, one would have thought that this would only apply to mother tinctures and the lowest dilutions.

In the best interests of homoeopathy, this very real problem should be tackled, and until this difficulty is overcome, the most carefully worked out prescription may be of no avail unless the source of drug supply is unimpeachable.

I take this opportunity of offering my congratulations for the very real work you are doing for homoeopathy and for the immense improvement in your journal Heal Thyself, whose new name will commend itself to the larger public. Your policy of embracing everything appertaining to rational living is excellent. I am delighted at your increased circulation. More strength to your elbow ! I am looking forward eagerly to the time when we shall have our “weekly” Heal Thyself. I hope I am not too optimistic.

With best wishes,.

Yours sincerely,


7 Broadclyst Gardens,

Thorpe Bay.

There is something to be said for Mr. Barnetts contention. Homoeopathic medicines may be obtained either from homoeopathic chemists or from general chemists, multiple shops, stores, etc. The lying of a homoeopathic chemist depends on his reputation. He cannot afford to sell inferior medicines. The general chemists are in a different category. Their homoeopathic business is such a triviality that they may palm off anything they have in stock in any potency, stale or fresh.

It has happened to a friend of mine who wished to get Pulsatilla at a general chemists that he was offered Nux vomica instead, which happened to be the exact opposite, and the young man behind the counter glibly assured him that it was just as good. The addresses of reliable homoeopathic chemists are printed in this journal. Those homoeopathic chemists who from mistaken economy fail to advertise in it, have only themselves to blame if business goes elsewhere. Such unbusiness like chemists are presumably not good chemists.

Every homoeopathic chemist knows the difference between fresh and dried plants and of the tinctures made from them. Of course by far the best method of preparing the healing sap of medicinal plants consists in expressing the fresh juice of selected plants. Alcohol is added as a rule for keeping purposes. Unfortunately both addition of alcohol and sterilization by heating is apt to destroy invaluable constituents of the remedy. Messrs.

Dr. Madaus and Co., of Radebeul, near Dresden, have the great merit of producing medicinal plant juices in the ideal form. The juice of fresh plants is pressed out by powerful machinery and the liquid thus obtained is immediately mixed with milk sugar, and thus the full medicinal value of the plants is preserved. These Madaus preparations are sold under the trade name “Teep” and they have been repeatedly advertised in these pages. There is an advertisement of this Madaus speciality in the current issue.

The Teep preparations can be obtained either directly from Dr. Madaus and Co., or through English homoeopathic chemists. Professional and lay prescribes need only write on their prescriptions “Pulsatilla 3x Teep, Dr. Madaus and Co.”, “Aconite 3x Teep, Dr. Madaus and Co.”. etc., and they will obtain what they want.

I have at present no intention to convert Heal Thyself into a bi-weekly or into a weekly, but I hope to increase the size of the journal to 80 pages, and more, provided my readers will play their part. Enlargement of Heal Thyself will depend on the support which it receives from the public. Every increase in circulation will enables the publishers to improve the journal by enlarging it and in other ways.

Many readers have sent me letters, asking me what they can do to help HEAL THYSELF They can help this journal and homoeopathy by inducing their friends and acquaintances to subscribe to it and by causing their newsagents to stock it. If each of my readers causes only a single friend or acquaintance to take the journal regularly, the circulation will be doubled. Each increase in the circulation will lead to the improvement and enlargement of this paper. (editor HEAL THYSELF).

J. Ellis Barker
James Ellis Barker 1870 – 1948 was a Jewish German lay homeopath, born in Cologne in Germany. He settled in Britain to become the editor of The Homeopathic World in 1931 (which he later renamed as Heal Thyself) for sixteen years, and he wrote a great deal about homeopathy during this time.

James Ellis Barker wrote a very large number of books, both under the name James Ellis Barker and under his real German name Otto Julius Eltzbacher, The Truth about Homœopathy; Rough Notes on Remedies with William Murray; Chronic Constipation; The Story of My Eyes; Miracles Of Healing and How They are Done; Good Health and Happiness; New Lives for Old: How to Cure the Incurable; My Testament of Healing; Cancer, the Surgeon and the Researcher; Cancer, how it is Caused, how it Can be Prevented with a foreward by William Arbuthnot Lane; Cancer and the Black Man etc.