Uraemic convulsions, headache, vertigo, loss of consciousness, especially when due to oedema of the brain, nephritis with pregnancy, and gastroenteritis of influenzal or other origins. chlorosis, bronchial asthma, with emphysema, enteroptosis and painful neurosis, especially when these conditions follow or are accompanied with convulsive, griping or cramping pains, especially in the abdomen or pelvis.

Provings of this remedy are rather sparse and its use or indications will be very much a matter of experience, because of that lack of symptomatology.

Arsenite of copper is a remedy frequently indicated in deficient kidney function, intestinal affections, cholera morbus, cholera infantum diarrhoeas and dysenteries, when accompanied by convulsive, excruciating cramps.

Uraemic convulsions, headache, vertigo, loss of consciousness, especially when due to oedema of the brain, nephritis with pregnancy, and gastroenteritis of influenzal or other origins. chlorosis, bronchial asthma, with emphysema, enteroptosis and painful neurosis, especially when these conditions follow or are accompanied with convulsive, griping or cramping pains, especially in the abdomen or pelvis.

Tongue thickly coated, dirty brown or white, metallic taste, dry mouth, with thirst; thirst may be extreme.

Sudden debility, pain and palpitation of heart, pulse arrythmias and angina pectoris.

Persistent lameness of back, pain in lower lumbar region, and lower left shoulder blade. Cramps in distal extremities.

Chest feels tight.

Renal insufficiency and uraemia with sharp cutting pain.

Garlic-like odor of urine.

Diabetes, urine of high specific gravity, increase in acetone and diacetic acid.

Perspiration of scrotum, is constantly damp or moist, boils on scrotum, purulent discharge of a white color from urethra.

Tingling and burning in urethra, pain in prostate, pain in penis, of sharp, cutting, cramp-like nature.

Cramps in calves of legs, worse after midnight, only relieved by getting out of bed and standing.

Ulcers, gangrene, with cutting cramp-like pain.

Cold, clammy perspiration of an intermittent nature.

Acne, pustules, on face and crurogenital region.

Ulcers look like chancre; gangrene, carbuncles, with cutting pain.

As you will notice, the cutting, cramp-like pain is a very persistent and distinguishing symptom.

Cramping pain; gastroenteritis, violent, abdominal pain, cholera, diarrhoea in phthisis.

Abdominal rumbling with sharp cutting pain, dark liquid stools.

Abdominal distension, meteoric or sudden in nature.

Violent colic, frequent vomiting with purging which is not a constant symptom.

Spasmodic neuralgic pain with screams from the pain. Very painful to touch, especially in right hypogastric region.

Gallstone colic; cholecystitis.

Nausea and vomiting may be absent in this remedy, which makes it different from numerous others, especially in its inconsistent symptoms.

Compare: Ars., Verat., Camph., Cimic., Cuprum m., Merc. c., Colocynth, Cuprum acet.

Wm. E. Jackson