A Northumbrain lady during the Christmas holidays paid a visit to a friend. Here she was entertained in an over-heated room and on returning home had to face an icy-cold blast that chilled her to the bone. Next day she found herself with a severe cold and pains she described as of a stabbing nature. Fortunately she had a working knowledge of biochemistry and alternating Ferrum phos. and Mag. phos. was soon quite well.

COUGHS are most prevalent in winter and spring. If only the temperature remained the same for a few months coughs would not be so numerous; but our variable climate threatens the health of the most careful. If susceptibility arise either from heredity or environment few can vouch that they have never had a cough despite the precautions they have taken to avoid it.

Of course, coughs vary in character. Usually they are natures to eject disorganized matter from the lungs. Yet they may arise from sympathy with a disease disconnected immediately with the chest. The wife of an iron-worker I met some years ago had a chronic cough that caused her much distress. The doctor assured her that it was not from the chest but due to quite another ailment.

How, then, does a biochemist deal with a patient who has been “catching cold”?.

At the onset he alternates Ferrum phos. with Kali sulph. along with hot drinks in order to produce perspiration. Indeed, if given early the majority of colds can thus be broken. Yet as soon as perspiration is effected he selects remedies determined by the tongue and the secretion.

The biochemist maintains that the root cause of most colds is the lack of Ferrum phos., hence this is given throughout. When a deficiency of iron occurs the blood is drawn away from the extremities, the pores of the skin are closed and a discharge is started which we call catarrh, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.

Whenever a cough persists, therefore, in spite of homely remedies used in the household, it is wise to consult a practitioner who has learnt from well-known associations what the deficiency is that has been overlooked by the sufferer.

A young woman was the victim of a chronic cough that resisted almost everything done to relieve it. As she was on the “panel” she visited her doctor, and he gave her several “cough mixtures” that had little effect. When she came to me I gave remedies that appeared to be indicated and they were ineffective. After some delay, however, she told me that she suffered from haemorrhoids (piles). Then Calc. fluor. was given and both cough and piles disappeared after a few doses.

The cough of Bronchitis is not so puzzling. If the tongue be white-coated and the phlegm whitish and sticky Ferrum phos. alternated with Kali mur. will be enough. In some instances, however, the sputa becomes thick and yellowish and Calc. sulph. will be needed to clear the bronchial tubes.

A retired station-master complained that in winter he nearly always had a sore throat. Yet it was not this ailment that led him to seek my advice-he had an attack of bronchitis. The two remedies mentioned were given and in a short time he reported himself quite well. He also abandoned throat “comforters” and other wraps likely to invite his old compliant.

One lady patient was much beset with coughs and colds. Every few weeks there was a return of her implacable enemy. She was given Ferrum phos. and Kali mur. as a prophylactic and was delighted to find that a complaint that has persisted for years become gradually feebler until at last the susceptibility disappeared. A friend of hers was so much impressed by the change that she also became an enthusiastic biochemist.

Another form of treatment was given to a professional man. He usually began with a sneezing coryza. After a time the cold passed on to his chest and started a cough loud enough to awaken any midday sleeper. His tongue was covered with saliva and his eyes and nose were watery. Here Ferrum phos. alternated with Chloride appeared to be called for. The two gave relief, but his tongue became yellow-coated and Kali sulph. was substituted for Chloride. Rapid progress followed, but it was desirable to conclude with Calc. phos. since he showed symptoms of weakness.

Only the other week an old friend of mine spent the week-end in the Midlands. He caught cold and had a nasty, irritating cough. Being a bilious subject he had previously found Bryonia excellent for most of his ailments. He informed me that in this case he had taken Ferrum phos. alternated with Bryonia and the remedies had quickly restored him to his wanted health and vigour. Since Bryonia covers in some measure Kali mur. and Nat. sulph. I often prescribe it to avoid a biochemic combination.

A Northumbrain lady during the Christmas holidays paid a visit to a friend. Here she was entertained in an over-heated room and on returning home had to face an icy-cold blast that chilled her to the bone. Next day she found herself with a severe cold and pains she described as of a stabbing nature. Fortunately she had a working knowledge of biochemistry and alternating Ferrum phos. and Mag. phos. was soon quite well.

Every year cases accumulate to proclaim the wonderful value of the tissue-salt as a means of arresting and conquering disease. Biochemistry hastens the day when the greatest sufferers will not despair of deliverance from pain or of enjoying the amenities of life. An A1 nation is impossible so long as the people are dosed with allopathic poisons.

J T Heselton