I am glad to note in the October number that many cures are laid to electric forces as I have contended for years; for how else could a severe pain a man had in his left breast, due to an extracted rifle shell hitting his breast and causing a fibroid to develop, stop instantly the moment a dose of Conium CM. was placed on his tongue?.

Editor of the Homoeopathic Recorder:.

Will you extend to me the privilege of your publication for the purpose of making an appeal to the membership of the International Hahnemannian Association on behalf of Dr. Norbert Galatzer of Nanking, China. Dr. Galatzer formerly lived and practiced near Vienna, Austria and was one of the few Hahnemannian homoeopaths of that country. Following the annexation of Austria by the German Reich Dr. Galatzer, because of the Nazi policy in regard to individuals of Jewish race, was obliged to leave his native land. The only visa he was able to obtain was that to Shanghai, which place he eventually reached almost penniless, after many weeks of suffering and hardship. Eventually he obtained a position as physician to the Catholic Mission Hospital in Nanking.

Dr. Galatzer writes that he took with him from Austria a large stock of homoeopathic medicines which are now practically exhausted. Since his salary of 150.00 monthly, Chinese currency, is equivalent to only 8.50 in United States currency, it is practically impossible for him to obtain any new supplies. Homoeopathic materials are almost unobtainable in China and must therefore be procured from the United States. Obviously 8.50 per month is practically useless as a means of purchasing in this country the things he needs.

I have undertaken to obtain needed supplies for Dr. Galatzer. Personal solicitation among homoeopaths of my acquaintance has resulted in the accumulation at the present writing of fifty-seven dollars (57.00) toward this work. In addition one man has supplied me with some books and some potencies which will be sent to China, and I have the promise of potencies from still another physician for the same purpose. I consider this a very generous response and I am deeply grateful to all those who have already contributed. However, in order properly to supply Dr. Galatzer, we need more money, and I appeal to each of you who read this to give as generously as you can. No contribution large or small will be refused. Please make checks or money orders payable to Allan D. Sutherland, Trustee. Speed is essential, so please send your contribution at once.

I firmly believe that by helping Dr. Galatzer we shall be doing something constructive for the cause of homoeopathy.



To the Editor:.

I have read with great interest the letter by Dr. Bellokossy in the October issue on the above subject. I feel in the interest of homoeopathy that letter should not go unanswered, but answered by a better educated man than I. For Drs. Bellokossy, Hayes and Pompe I entertain the very highest regard; they are excellent men and conscientious.

In the first place, I fail to see why the accurately indicated remedy will not cure the victim from scabies. Kent l lists 51 and Knerr 33 remedies for the affliction. In the second place, I fail to see how the victim can possibly be cured either by a non-indicated remedy or a crude external insecticide any more than a child can be cured of its predisposition to worms by a crude vermifuge. Where did Hahnemann and Hering state “no cure for the individual attacked by the acarus”?.

If natural laws are correct, and I have never found them otherwise, then if the system through the aid of the accurately indicated internal remedy can remove the cause that renders fertile soil for the development and flourishing and the furnishing of food for lice, maggots and worms, the acarus is no exception. It is passing strange that a man of Herings ability should not know enough to recognize scabies, but it is not strange that neither Hahnemann, Hering, you nor I can cure an individual suffering from scabies with non-indicated remedies. Not having such proven remedies they naturally had to resort to external expedients, which in the end did not get rid of the cause. Sepia, Sulphur and Mang. have done good work. I am a little skeptical about anyones being able to cure all cases with the few well proven remedies we already have.

Is it possible for the acarus, lice or worms to breed and live on barren soil? Do any of the three attack perfectly healthy persons? If not, why not? Does killing the effect remove the real cause? If we right or eradicate the cause the effect is bound to leave, and the acarus is no exception. After we have slain the acarus we still have the evil after effects to contend with, which are all too often worse than the original effect.



To the Editor:.

I am sorry a controversy has started in our journal regarding the curability of patients afflicted with scabies, by our various remedies given internally. Why should not such patients afflicted with a little bug of a higher order than microbes, be cured, the same as is the case which herpes circinatus? Undoubtedly every homoeopath has cured such latter patients many times in less than twenty-four hours with one single dose of medicine given on the tongue. Any reader who does not believe me that scabies can be cured with our remedies can write to some of my patients whose names I will be glad to furnish. One family of several children had been treated by their allopathic family physician for several weeks with various local applications until another patient, whose family I had cured promptly, told them to call me. The result was satisfactory

and I have now been their family physician for over twenty-five years as a result. another patient can vouch for his family being cured, as well as his brother-in-laws.

How any homoeopathist can resort to suppressive treatments after he has read the devastating and fatal results in Hahnemanns Chronic Diseases is beyond my comprehension.

I might add that if our remedies will render a childs constitution unsuitable for lice, so that they disappear, why not the same for scabies?.

I am glad to note in the October number that many cures are laid to electric forces as I have contended for years; for how else could a severe pain a man had in his left breast, due to an extracted rifle shell hitting his breast and causing a fibroid to develop, stop instantly the moment a dose of Conium CM. was placed on his tongue?.

Allan D. Sutherland
Dr. Sutherland graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia and was editor of the Homeopathic Recorder and the Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy.
Allan D. Sutherland was born in Northfield, Vermont in 1897, delivered by the local homeopathic physician. The son of a Canadian Episcopalian minister, his father had arrived there to lead the local parish five years earlier and met his mother, who was the daughter of the president of the University of Norwich. Four years after Allan’s birth, ministerial work lead the family first to North Carolina and then to Connecticut a few years afterward.
Starting in 1920, Sutherland began his premedical studies and a year later, he began his medical education at Hahnemann Medical School in Philadelphia.
Sutherland graduated in 1925 and went on to intern at both Children’s Homeopathic Hospital and St. Luke’s Homeopathic Hospital. He then was appointed the chief resident at Children’s. With the conclusion of his residency and 2 years of clinical experience under his belt, Sutherland opened his own practice in Philadelphia while retaining a position at Children’s in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department.
In 1928, Sutherland decided to set up practice in Brattleboro.