CASE REPORTS. Obviously enough except for the severe bleeding which Collinsonia causes,a the symptoms point to Collinsonia. Moreover, the bluish or purple color of Aesc. hip,. piles was also absent it this case. Therefore the first prescription was fully justified. But the remedy having failed, on the authority of Dr. Cowperthwaite alone, Aesculus hip. was prescribed, It simply wonderfully cured and once more proved the unfailing assistance, upon which we can rely,of authorities like Dr.Cowperthwaite.

Mrs. . . . . . ., aged 37, of a usually submissive, mild and yielding disposition,short stature,dark complexion,m pale and Anaemia,came to my office on 3.28. 47 with the following complaints.

GENERAL; Pain in the lower abdomen for the last 3 months amenorrhoea, gradual loss of appetite and impairment of digestion, disturbed sleep, frequent nocturnal urination. She had been a subject of frequent bilious wheals and hives in the past. Feels exhausted, bruised and tired with intense chilliness of the extremities in the morning.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION;In the right ovarian region a swelling was detected. the amenorrhoea for the past 3 months with the swelling was naturally interpreted as pregnancy. She was examined by Gynecologist who could only declare it to be a tumor and advised only surgical help for its removal. I was personally inclined to think other wise and the patient, being averse to an operation, offered her cooperation to name in the effort.

PARTICULARS,MENTAL; Patient is for the last 3 months morose, quickly irascible at the slightest cause irascible at the slightest cause and behaves as if suspicious and jealous.

Pain in the ovarian region,of a burning, stinging nature< 5 to 7 P.;M., intermittent in character, > hard pressure and cold application.

As no definite mental symptoms of the constitution were available,m the symptoms referring to the affected parts,had to form the basis for the prescription. Therefore, the following were considered collectively: 1, Ovarian (right) region, 2.l Stinging character of the pain, 3. Suspicious nature (more natural in women), 4> by cold application,. 5> Pressure, 6. Time of occurrence of pain in the evening between 5-7 in particular.

3-28-47. Rx, Apis.mel..6x, 4-hourly for 1 week.

4-4-47. No perceptible improvement either locally or generally. Rx. apis,. Mel. 30. B.D. (for 1 week).

4-11-47. Steady improvement with no new additional symptoms. placebo (for 1 week).

4-18-47. Size and weight of the tumor reduced,but no rapid general improvement as expected. Rx, Apis, Mel. 1M 1 dose.

4-25-47. Menses appeared on 4.1.47 in a normal fashion lasting 4 days. Size and weight of the tumor still further reduced. Appetite had returned. Sleeps well. Nocturnal urination stopped. General condition shows some return to normal health. Placebo.

Miss. . . . . . aged 4 years, was brought to my office on12 29-47. The following symptoms were observed:.

Liver & Spleen enlarged so much as to practically meet each other. Lungs normal. pulse low and imperceptible. Temp. 99 degree Tongue coated. pot belly. Swelling of the whole body (for the last 3 days). Eyelids swollen,closed,with agglutination. Which was apparently comatose.

History-For the last two hand a half years the child has suffered from liquid mucous stools. He had a voracious but capricious appetite. Has a greatly irritable, cross temper. Has been emaciating gradually. For the last 3 days to vomits milk immediately and is passing white sour stools.

All sorts of allopathic treatment,including even the up-to date indoor hospital treatment has been tried., ?the patient was discharged as having infantile liver with chronic diarrhoea. for some time the patient has gone without any treatment whatsoever.

The symptom picture being quite self-evident, Calc, carb 6x, 4 hourly for 4 days was prescribed.

1.1.48 Swelling of the body gone, eyes much cleared. No trace of comatose condition. Rx Calc. carb. 30. B.D. (for 4 days).

1.5.48. Stools light yellow with no sour smell., fever less, restlessness less. Rx.Sac. lac. (8 days).

1.13.48. Liver and spleen much reduced. child takes interest in life. Sits and also walks with support. Stools better, general condition much better.

1-17-48 Came walking from its home to my office, a distance of one- fourth mile. Spleen and liver still further reduced. Rx. CALC. carb. 30-12 dose a day for 7 days.

1-20-48 Stools normal, no fever, liver and spleen still further reduced. Child cheerful and plays well. Has put on some flesh. The remaining 4 powders of Calc. carb. were discontinued and Calc. carb.500-1 dose was given. Asked to report after 2 weeks.

It is presumed another dose of Calc. carb. 500 may have to be repeated to complete the cure.

On 3-23-47.Mr. . . . . . . . . . . aged to, stated he had piles with slight bleeding.

Chief complaint:L Obstinate constipation,dull backache in the lumbo-sacral region with aversion to walk. prolapse of the rectum and piles during stools which have to be strained out. Has always a full sensation in the rectum. The most annoying symptom is burning and stitching pain in the anus and a sensation as if pricked by needles in the anal region for 2 or 3 hours after the stool, which has some mucus accompanying., Suffers from flatulence. Liver slightly enlarged and painful on pressure. Tongue coated. Rx Collinsonia 30-12 powders (1 week).

4-3-47. No aggravation,no change in the complaint.

Rx collinsonia e0. B.D. (one week).

4-10-47. No improvement.

Rx Aesculus hip. 1000-1 dose.,

4-7-47 Very greatly relieved.

Rx Sac,lac. (2 weeks).

Discharged as cured a few days later.

NOTE.Obviously enough except for the severe bleeding which Collinsonia causes,a the symptoms point to Collinsonia. Moreover, the bluish or purple color of Aesc. hip,. piles was also absent it this case. Therefore the first prescription was fully justified. But the remedy having failed, on the authority of Dr. Cowperthwaite alone, Aesculus hip. was prescribed, It simply wonderfully cured and once more proved the unfailing assistance, upon which we can rely,of authorities like Dr.Cowperthwaite. BOMBAY, INDIA.

Y T Agashe