Case Reports

Generally when the vitality is low, no deep acting and long acting remedies should be given. But in this case I took the risk. The first change noticeable was the disappearance of irritability. I was hopeful. After two weeks, the baby allowed me to examine the liver. The blue veins disappeared. There was rapid improvement and after a month he was cured completely.


Mangat, a baby of two years old was suffering from enlarged liver. Both the lobes were swollen and hard and their edges were thin. The colour of the skin was yellow. The babys grand mother threw out a most important hint. She said that the baby would pass stools during the day but only one or two stools at night. This reminded me of Petroleum. Petroleum 30 was given. It stopped the purging in a day or two. The liver decreased in size but not completely disappeared. I gave him a dose of Sulphur 30. In two weeks the baby was completely cured.

Mohan Lal, a baby of two was suffering from enlarged liver. Blue veins were visible on the distended abdomen. The baby was very irritable and would not allow me to examine his liver. The babys father was an M.A. and his mother was an undergraduate. As both the parents were educated and intelligent, I prescribed a dose of Calcarea Carb 6x trit and no medicine for one month.

Generally when the vitality is low, no deep acting and long acting remedies should be given. But in this case I took the risk. The first change noticeable was the disappearance of irritability. I was hopeful. After two weeks, the baby allowed me to examine the liver. The blue veins disappeared. There was rapid improvement and after a month he was cured completely.


Sitaram, a student was suffering from prolapsus of rectum. His complexion was of black colour and the ring and pointer were of equal size in both hands. Generally it is seen that after the passage of stool, the sphincter muscle of the anus closes automatically. As there was a departure in this case, I gave the boy a dose of Ignatia 1000. There was improvement. Encouraged at the result, I finished the case with a dose of Ignatia C.M.

Baby Rana was suffering prolapsus of rectum. There was loss of appetite. The patient was anaemic and his gum was of pale red colour. Cyclamen was prescribed and with two doses of Cyclamen 1000 at an interval of fifteen days, the baby was cured completely.


Sharif Ahmad was suffering from sores on the chin. There was one peculiar symptom which led me to prescribe Causticum. He would not besmear his body with mustard oil or with oil of any kind. This is the most important symptom to be found under causticum. Causticum 1000 cured him soon. Sabadilla also cures sores on the chin. It should be prescribed if the lower lip is thick and projecting.


Kailash, a young unmarried gentleman was suffering from three pointed warts on the left side of the cheeks. As his marriage was settled, he wanted to get rid of the disease as quickly as possible. There was a history of piles in the family. I at once ordered a dose of Hypericum 200. In course of fifteen days, the warts vanished as if by magic!

Sarsaparilla is another good remedy for curing small horny warts on the cheeks and whitish warts on fingers. Black pointed warts are easily cured with Asafoetida. Tiny warts that look like Bajra seeds are cured with Hypericum. Natrum Mur cures warts on the eyelids. Tuberculinum 1000 is another good remedy which cures long pointed warts on the cheeks.


Kaloo was suffering from mumps on both sides of the neck in the month of March. This disease may appear on the right side and it may travel from right to left. If it occurs on the left side, Arsenic and Merc Bin Iod 6 are the efficient remedies. Kaloo was put upon Sarsaparilla 30 and he got rid of this disease in six days.

R N Banerjee