Hahnemann began his investigations with a definite object in view, and after thorough, patient, intelligent, systematic study and comparison, after many tedious, prolonged, and self- sacrificing ordeals, at last succeeded in reducing the fragmentary observations of his predecessors to order, and thus by inductive philosophy was enabled to work out and announce to the world the existence of an heretofore unsuspected universal law of cure-not an occasional means of cure as was anticipated by Stahl and others, but a universal natural law of cure.



12. Information is desired on Aluminum lactate, homoeopathic provings, action of crude drug, pathological changes in humans or animals, in fact anything, whatsoever, regarding the drug. Please send communications to Dr. Eveline B. Lyle, 14 Marian street, Brookline, Mass.

13. In studying Kents Repertory and two other smaller ones I am unable to find the similimum for the following case. A solution to this case will be much appreciated.

A man, age 33 years, psoric in type, suffers from headache. Aggravation yearly, for one month only, depending on the degree of the sun. With or without rhinitis and coryza; yellowish colored secretions from the nostril of the side where the pain exists; the other nostril is dry. Begins on the right side and spreads over the whole head. Time of aggravation-as soon as he gets up from bed, which is about 6:30 a.m., increasing to 3:00 p.m., lasting to 9:30 p.m. Pain supra-orbital, burning, lancinating, stitching; in the temples, thrusting, pressing; in the occiput, dull, aching; in the neck, rheumatic-like; in the vertex, bruised; in the teeth, sensitive and long feeling; in the ears, internal pressive; in the eyes, pressing inward, sensitive to light; the brain has a band-like pressure and cutting feeling. I have warded off the headache by giving Lachesis 200, 1M and 10M, before the beginning of the pain period.

14. Who will write on the following subject? I have observed that some cases do not tolerate the repetition of the same remedy when symptoms requiring its repetition again appear and time for the second prescription seems to have arrived. In such cases I invariably find the patient worse after the second dose. I have the impression that, in spite of the return of the symptoms and, therefore, necessarily for the same remedy, that I repeated too early and should have waited six months, one year or longer.

Such waiting, however, is quite impossible in most cases. A remedy has to be given and some simile, though not the similimum, gives results. Tubercular individuals, especially, seem to me to belong in this class of patients. Is it possible that their sensitiveness is so excessive that rules laid down for the repetition of our homoeopathic remedies do not apply to them? People, apparently healthy, but suffering from mediastinal, tuberculosis glands, with or without subfebrile temperature, are also of the type. Never have I found this condition in people with too high a blood pressure, but I have found it often in those with too low a pressure. F.K.B.


Is there any treatment in homoeopathy for leucoderma?.

From a study of the materia medica Arsenicum sulphuricum flavus seems to have a similar action. one case cured.

What is the treatment for high blood pressure?.

I have used Oxalic acid, urtica urens with success in high blood pressure.

Hahnemann began his investigations with a definite object in view, and after thorough, patient, intelligent, systematic study and comparison, after many tedious, prolonged, and self- sacrificing ordeals, at last succeeded in reducing the fragmentary observations of his predecessors to order, and thus by inductive philosophy was enabled to work out and announce to the world the existence of an heretofore unsuspected universal law of cure-not an occasional means of cure as was anticipated by Stahl and others, but a universal natural law of cure.

Thorough provings of drugs upon the healthy, therefore, was practically a new departure in medicine, and in fact constituted the first of the three grand steps which culminated in the evolution of a new, rational, and scientific system of medical practice.

Full recognition of the law of similars speedily succeeded the proving of drugs, and was the second radical step in the evolution of homoeopathy. A.R.MORGAN, M.D.

H.A. Roberts
Dr. H.A.Roberts (1868-1950) attended New York Homoeopathic Medical College and set up practrice in Brattleboro of Vermont (U.S.). He eventually moved to Connecticut where he practiced almost 50 years. Elected president of the Connecticut Homoeopathic Medical Society and subsequently President of The International Hahnemannian Association. His writings include Sensation As If and The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy.