Such a comparison reveals the individual character of the drug much better than the fashionable and pretended scientific lists or registers of temperaments. Individual symptoms do not restrain the sphere of activity of the drug. All the symptoms are individual in so far as they reflect more or less completely the dynamic relation of the drug to the organism of the prover.


15.Are there many a suggestions for examining people for drunken driving? I try knee reflexes, response for eye pupils to light, pulse, and smell their breath. I realize it is not a perfect test but do not know of any better-F.C.WOODRUFF.

16.The following appeared in the Homoeopathic World. can you offer any suggestion to our English friend?.

“I wonder whether any of your readers could dell me what medicines cover the following. I have been unsuccessful in tracing them in either Clarkes Dictionary of Materia Medica or Kents Repertory, thought I should not like to assert that some of them might not be discoverable in those after a still more exhaustive search”-A.C.

a.Erosion of tonsils.

b.Hard nodule on vocal cords.

c.Invariable formation of ulcer at point where cheek is bitten.

d.Watery exudation from fossa navicularis,later becoming crusty, with distressing itching behind it..

e.Double joint of left thumb (persisting through three generations).

f.Varicose veins of uterus like bunch of grasps..

g.Shoulders and neck covered with big patches of long hair which readily falls our.

h.Head drawn towards breast with painful stiff neck over period of two years in case of girl of sixteen whose hair went white and has remained so.

i.Great emaciation (in male) with the not rudimentary muscular development, the skin behaving like elastic when pulled.

j.Attacks of deafness (right ear) after swimming.

k.Sensation as of a drop of water falling into more water with a (plop), when lying on ear.

l.Non-descent of tests in child at age of six. Has any radar tried Thyroidinum with success for this?

m. Sensation , when riding over any but the smoothest road, as of the nerves shaken up throughout the whole torso, particularly in the region of the stomach the agitation being quite incommensurate with the trifling causes, and lasting a while after the cause had ceased to operate.”.


The following case is presented by Dr.C.Gorden of Edinburgh, Scotland, for analysis and remedy selection:.

M.H. hairdresser, age 22.Dysmenorrhoea very severe formerly. Some doctor prescribed anterior pituitary tablets for it. She took about 800 tablets in six months, and another 800 during the next 3-4 years., Result acromegaly.

Bones of head and face enlarged, and shoulders four inches wider than formerly.

Constant drowsiness,no ameliorated by sleep.

Attacks of exhaustion, must sleep.

Occasional migraine headaches.,.

Copious sweat. Skin pale and dirty looking,more so when cold.


Fear when alone in house but can conquer it.


Claustrophobia. Forgets words.

Very sensitive to HEAT and COLD.

Goes blue with cold.

Should this patient the treated on the totality of the symptoms or should the pituitary poisoning be antidoted prior to constitutional treatment, and if so, by what?.

-This case is a very interesting one, showing a through proving of pituitary substance carried to the extreme, One of the most difficult things to manage is the unbalancing of the system by glandular therapy,and bordering on this and associated with it are the effects of the sera and vaccines on the whole economy; so little do we know of the effects of the endocrine on the ratio of balance of the whole economy that it seems most unwise to ever resort to this system of therapy. However, it seems to have been done most through put in this case, and with most unpleasant results.

The best way to antidote the poison of this insidious organic substance is to treat the patient symptomatically,and that will antidote; this is the only method by which we can know that we are setting the house in order, and let Nature correct the difficulty in her own good way. In other words, the totality of the symptomatology in this condition must rule, and not the pathology.

I have worked this case out with Boenninghausen,using the following rubrics:.

Sleepiness caused by various things, page 243.

Intoxication with sleep, page 243.

Unrefreshed sleep. page 244.

Sweats easily, page 264.

Worse after becoming cold, page 276.

Fear when along, page 271.

Worse vaults (claustrophobia), page 305.

Memory lost, page 22.

Alternating moods, page 17.

Swelling of bones, page 203.

the ranking remedies are Phosphorus 48 (14 of the 15 symptoms appearing); pulsatilla 47 (13); Lycopodium 46 (13); Conium 46 (13).

Pulsatilla lacks the symptoms “far of being alone” and the dirty skin,both of which seem to be very prominent.

I am inclined to think that Conium is the remedy, for although it lacks the claustrophobia and the dirty skin, it has a direct action on the glandular system which has had the effect of throwing the hole system out of gear. For this reason I feel that it may be much more applicable that the other remedies and cover the case better-H.A.ROBERTS.

-I have worked out this case according to the Kent Repertory using the following rubrics:.

Fear of being alone, page 43.

Alternating moods, page 67.

Weakness of memory, page 64.

Weakness of memory for words,page 64.

Worse becoming cold, page 1949.

Unrefreshing sleep, page 1254.

Overpowering sleep, page 1299.

Profuse perspiration,page 1299.

Swelling of bones,page 1405.

Pale skin, page 1206.

Remedies appearing in eight or more of these rubrics and listed in order of value below, the numerical, value appearing fish and the number of rubrics second:.

Lycopodium 23-9, sulphur 19-9, Phosphorus 18-9,Baryta carb.17-8, Belladonna 17-8, Sepia 17-8,Nux vom. 16-8,Natrum mur. 15-9, Conium 14-9-J.N.HAZRA.

The pathologists among us have objected to our materia medica,that many of our symptoms are purely individual, and the ought to be critically expunged. Is not every symptom individual, strictly speaking? Does not every symptom result from the action of a drug upon an individual, and is not its character determined buy the innate disposition of the individual? this appears from a merely superficial comparison of the symptoms of various drugs on the same prover.

As early as 1930., when I observed, to my great astonishment,the similarity of he symptoms of various drugs which I proved upon myself, I tranquilized my various drugs which I proved upon myself, I tranquilized my mind my comparing the symptoms of one and the same drug observed by different provers,of whom I knew positively that they had proved the drug upon themselves. It is just as interesting to compare the symptoms of various drugs observed upon the same prove,as it is to compare the symptoms of one and the same drug observed on different provers.

Such a comparison reveals the individual character of the drug much better than the fashionable and pretended scientific lists or registers of temperaments. Individual symptoms do not restrain the sphere of activity of the drug. All the symptoms are individual in so far as they reflect more or less completely the dynamic relation of the drug to the organism of the prover-C.HERING,M.D., 1947.

Allan D. Sutherland
Dr. Sutherland graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia and was editor of the Homeopathic Recorder and the Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy.
Allan D. Sutherland was born in Northfield, Vermont in 1897, delivered by the local homeopathic physician. The son of a Canadian Episcopalian minister, his father had arrived there to lead the local parish five years earlier and met his mother, who was the daughter of the president of the University of Norwich. Four years after Allan’s birth, ministerial work lead the family first to North Carolina and then to Connecticut a few years afterward.
Starting in 1920, Sutherland began his premedical studies and a year later, he began his medical education at Hahnemann Medical School in Philadelphia.
Sutherland graduated in 1925 and went on to intern at both Children’s Homeopathic Hospital and St. Luke’s Homeopathic Hospital. He then was appointed the chief resident at Children’s. With the conclusion of his residency and 2 years of clinical experience under his belt, Sutherland opened his own practice in Philadelphia while retaining a position at Children’s in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department.
In 1928, Sutherland decided to set up practice in Brattleboro.