Aphonic, voice weak, especially in preachers and singers. Extreme muscular weakness hinders sufficient contraction of the glottis. No voice, or abnormal voice. The sputum cannot be expelled, rises only to the epiglottis, or the sick person must swallow it because he hasnt strength enough to spit it up.



{ Sensory PSORIC.



{ Extremities Dyscrasic.


Cutaneous System Gouty

Side, right Uremic

TEMPERAMENT: Lymphatic Hydrogenoid.


TYPE: Tall, thin, dry, spare; face yellow, waxy; black hair; brown eyes; lips white or bluish violet. PARESIS or PARALYSIS, motor, (isolated nerves).

FACE : Uni-lateral, with sensation of constriction and soreness in the jaws; great difficulty in opening the mouth and swallowing.

TONGUE: Stammering, indistinct speech; mutism.

THROAT: Swallows the wrong way; post-diphtheritic dysphagia.

UPPER EYELID : (Oculo-motor commissure): III rd. pair, ptosis.

LARYNX : Aphonic, voice weak, especially in preachers and singers. Extreme muscular weakness hinders sufficient contraction of the glottis. No voice, or abnormal voice. The sputum cannot be expelled, rises only to the epiglottis, or the sick person must swallow it because he hasnt strength enough to spit it up.

BLADDER: (Sphincter): Retention in infants who urinate involuntarily during the first sleep. Urine escapes involuntarily while blowing the nose, sneezing, coughing, during convulsions, laughing, sudden surprise and walking.

RECTUM (Muscle fibres) : Inactivity or weakness; urging without result; very painful, with anxiety and congestion of the face; stool passes only when standing (Verified).

UNI-LATERALITY (Hemiplegia): After haemorrhage or softening of the brain; tension and muscular asthenia; pains, dull, bruised or drawing in the coccygeal region.

DELTOID: Impossible t raise the arm to the head. SPASMOPHILIA.

EPILEPSY: Recent. During puberty; aggravated during the new moon; cold water causes recurrence of paroxysms; involuntary urination and very offensive, putrefactive odor from the nose and mouth during and after the attacks.

CHOREA: Convulsive movements with distortion of the eyes, face, and tongue, on the right side.

CONVULSIONS: With grating and grinding of the teeth and violent movements of the body. Involuntary and abundant urination during the attack. RHEUMATISM AND ARTHRITIS: Contraction of the flexors and stiffness of the joints; enfeebled action of the articulation of the jaws; sharp, shooting pains; bruised sensation in parts lain upon; paralytic weakness and trembling; acid natured perspiration; arthritic deformities. Impatience; constant agitated motion during the night.


HOARSENESS: Rough, scraping sensation in the throat and chest as if to the quick.

APHONIA: Sudden loss of voice from chilling. Cannot speak a single word out loud.

COUGH : Dry, hoarse cough caused by tenacious mucus in the chest; ameliorated by taking a little cold water; unable to expectorate or raise the phlegm. Paresis. Every attack of coughing causes a little involuntary spurt of urine; bruised, burning sensation along the trachea and under the sternum.

COLIC : Flatulence during menses. Bends double with pain (Bry., Caps., Cham., COLOC., Iris, Mag. Phos., PULS., Rheum, Rhus tox.,).

Aggravated by the least bit of food and by tight clothing; painful distension borborygmus on drinking. WARTS: LOCATION: Face, about the nose, eyelids, hands, fingers anus. KIND: Old, large, inflamed, ulcerated, painful, horny. After eruptions quickly suppressed.

The characteristic of Causticum is its paralytic weakness, just the opposite to Arsenicum which has irritability of nerve fibers. The agitation of Causticum is similar to that of Arsenicum and Rhus tox. which are indicated in rheumatism and arthritis, and which are aggravated especially at night; but this paralytic weakness of Causticum is a constant expression in all the organs which it affects; in the large colon, for example, there is faecal causes, especially in infants, much pain, anxiety, redness of the face, etc.

On the mental side, Causticum is timorous, fearful, melancholy, profoundly depressed, a veritable neurasthenic.

Fear and anxiety and he most typical mentals of this remedy (characteristic symptoms in all sycotic states) and they almost always follow chagrin, mortification, vexation and overstrain, which make him very taciturn although very critical. He is suspicious, indecisive, sad, inclined to tears with phases of transient irritability and sudden attacks of anger.

Although fearing death it is not the fear of dying of Aconite and Arsenicum, nor the fear of losing his sense and reason of Calcarea, but the lives continually in a state of apprehension of misfortune, which hangs over him, day and night, like the sword of Damocles, literally paralyzing him and doing away with his will and confidence in himself, and making him most unhappy and restless. He is sure that something terrible is going to happen.

Especially there is fear at night, in the darkness, and if it is an infant who is afraid, he will not go to bed all alone.

When sick, the eyes of terrible images, of grimacing human faces appear to him. The expression is lean, sad and dull. Every thing appear dark to him and the frequent fears are similar to those of Pulsatilla.

When an old wound or traumatism, already healed; or a cicatrix or burn become painful again; when during nursing the milk diminished and then disappears prematurely because of the excessive fatigue of the mother, or worries, prolonged night watching or anxiety; when during the menses there is no flow at night (Puls., Bov., flow only at night), when, after the menses, slightly foetid losses continue; when while leucorrhoea appears only at night; in people with dark hair or children with a delicate skin: your choice can fall only on Causticum, which, administered in infinitesimal doses, will restore order and equilibrium and re-establish health in all those cases which are curable.


Certain drugs do not manifest all their symptoms at the same time, but some symptoms at one time, some at another. For example, the head and chest symptoms of Amm. mur. have their exacerbation in the morning, the abdominal symptoms in the afternoon, and the symptoms of the limbs, skin, together with the feverish symptoms, in the evening. The second point is, that when a drug produces opposite symptoms, we have to consider with great care, which of the two ought to be considered as exacerbation.

Nux vomica, for instance, has most of its exacerbations in the open air. That form of coryza which is characteristic of Nux, frequently becomes a violent fluid coryza in a room, and, in the open air, is immediately changed to a dry coryza which is not very troublesome; dry coryza, and a suppression of the secretions in general; belong to the principal primary symptoms of this valuable drug; fluent coryza, of itself, ought therefore to be considered as an alleviation of the symptoms.-C.VON BOENNINGHAUSEN, 1864.

A number of remedies may be indicated in any given case of disease, and, indeed, a number of homoeopathic agents may bear upon a disease; but only one remedy can be truly homoeopathic to the disease, and correspond not only to the principal symptoms but to all the secondary circumstances and phenomena. – C. VON BOENNINGHAUSEN, 1864.

Pierre Schmidt
Pierre Schmidt M.D.(1894-1987)
Dr. Schmidt was introduced to the results of homeopathic treatment during the 1918 flu epidemic while living in London. There he met both J. H. Clarke and John Weir.
In 1922 he came to the United States and began his studies with Alonzo Austin and Frederica Gladwin, who had been a pupil of Kent's. He became the first graduate of the American Foundation for Homeopathy course for doctors. Returning to his native land he set up practice in Geneva, Switzerland. He was responsible for reintroducing classical homeopathy into Europe, teaching several generations of physicians, including Elizabeth Wright Hubbard.
Dr. Schmidt helped edit the "Final General Repertory" of Kent, and translated the Organon into French. In 1925, he was one of the main founders of the Liga Medicorum Homoeopathic Internationalis (LIGA).