Fifteen tablets of Silicea 100x to each quart of water was sprayed over and under the leaves, and some round the roots. Within fifteen days the evidence of improvement was apparent. No further brown tracery appeared, new growth accelerated. The plants are now tall and upstanding with those springy full leaves that denote health, and they are my husbands pride.

DEAR SIR, You lately issued an invitation to Subscribers to give experiences of Homoeopathic treatment on plants. I hope you might find the following of some interest.

In my garden is a young walnut tree of which we are proud. This year the leaves showed curling and blisters. I enquired of an old country gardener if there was any simple cure for this state. His information so typical of those who deal first hand with nature was simple and precise.

“Plants aint like humans, medicines cant be poured in but they draws their medicines through leaves and roots You look and find Mares Tail. It grows wild in hedges and ditches most everywhere. Pluck it and dry it, and store it with the jams in a dry cupboard. One handful is right to each quart of cold water and boil it up once. Then it should bubble gently for fifteen minutes. Set it to cool, and there be your tonic. Spray it over the leaves, and under, and water the roots too. Youll see the plant will pick up”.

I was interested Mr. Editor because of the plants, but also because I am a “Dowser”, the old English word for the person sensitive to radiations, water sensitivity or divining being the best known form. The French word is more explanatory “Radiesthesist”. I use Radiesthesie for diagnosis of disease and the selecting of medication. Relating to the gardeners advice on Mares Tail. I was able to test by Radiesthesic methods if the old man was right, and also to find what was the main tonic constituent of Mares Tail. I found in it Silicea approximating to 12x trituration as a main ingredient.

I collected my Mares Tail made the infusion and thoroughly sprayed the leaves and soaked the ground round the walnut tree. It certainly “worked” and the leaves grew into health. The gardener had, however, said, ” a general tonic for all sickly plants” and I wondered if he was right.

I next collected some chrysanthemum leaves which were patterned with a brown tracery. I am told it is a familiar chrysanthemum disease. Testing by my method I found no reaction to Mares Tail, but on trying various strengths of Silicea I obtained good reaction to Silicea 100x. This was more expensive medication for plants, but most interesting as an experiment. My husband is the gardener and therefore between us the experiment was achieved.

Fifteen tablets of Silicea 100x to each quart of water was sprayed over and under the leaves, and some round the roots. Within fifteen days the evidence of improvement was apparent. No further brown tracery appeared, new growth accelerated. The plants are now tall and upstanding with those springy full leaves that denote health, and they are my husbands pride. Another year we shall spray the young plants to prevent the disease appearing.

It is not surprising that Silicea should be the general tonic for plant life. For each tiny particle of it is triangular in shape like a minute arrow. It collects and deflects the vital rays of the sun into the leaves and stems, possibly cleansing the clogged circulation of the plant, bringing a quick return to normality.

I have had great success with recommending the Mares Tail infusion, one great advantage is that it is simple and cheap two recommendations to popularity.

Some Italian friends asked if if I thought it would benefit their vines and peach trees, for in Italy blight of some sort was working general destruction. I later had an enthusiastic letter saying that within three weeks improvement was evident and they were now searching the countryside for Males Tail.

Another friend who had recently started a plantation on their estate, at any suggestion watered and sprayed with the infusion any of the young trees that looked unhealthy and with excellent results.

Very similar to Mares Tail (Equisetum arvensis) is Horse Tail (Equisetum ) or Scouring Rush or Shave Grass. I found some people had collected the latter mistaking it for the Mares Tail recommended. Either will work in some cases. But Mares Tail alone is indicated sometimes and here it is that the advantage of Radiesthesic comparative methods is apparent. A leaf or stem taken from the plant will register how far it has moved from normality, and the tonic necessary for it. A pinch of earth with the leaves and stem will also register soil deficiencies.

Barra Clough